JRMCC Sports & Recreation Department would like to thank all teams that come to our reserve community of Lac La Ronge to participate in our annual Ice Breaker and Volleyball Bash tournaments. Thank you as well to the players and fans, without you this event isn’t possible. Congratulations to the winning teams and all-star selections.

Volleyball Bash:

1st Indian Time

2nd Deadly Daddies

3rd FA-FO

Recreation Hockey:

1st Pinehouse

2nd PBCN Stars

3rd Stanley Mission

Rec Hockey All-Stars

Best Goalie: Hayden Linklater

Best Defence: Larry Flett

Most Sportsmanlike: Josh Linklater

Top Forward: Cody Michelle

MVP: Dwayne McKenzie Jr.

Female and Male Volleyball All-Stars

Best Setter: Johanna Nelson

Best Hitter: Desiree Ferrier

MVP: Desiree Flett

Best Setter: Kendall Starr

Best Hitter: Askiy Walkingbear

MVP: Shawn Netmaker