Robynn Faye Dorion
Please give this short interview a watch, it will be going on their Fb page later tonight as well. I want to get as many hockey and other sports teams that would be interested in wearing our orange every child matters tape next season a box so they can show support and help raise awareness. All proceeds will be given to the IRSSS and the Orange Shirt Every Child Matters initiative in BC.

Thank you Global News Calgary for reaching out to us and doing a story on our brand and also highlighting our Orange Shirt Day – Every Child Matters– Orange tape initiative. We have had talks with other news media companies and will be speaking with some representatives of pro and minor hockey associations soon! We wanted to create this tape to not only raise awareness of the Residential School System in Canada but the ongoing racism in sports that impact our youth still today. We as a community need continue the fight for truth and reconciliation for our residential school survivors and make sure their voices are heard as they continue to find more buried children and adults across turtle island.
If you or your organization would like to pre order your tape, email me at [email protected] or message us on our Facebook and Instagram pages. My goal is to see this tape on the sticks, bats, lacrosse sticks and all sports that can put tape on their equipment to show support and raise awareness of for our Indigenous children that never made it home.