Congratulations to this year’s winners of the Festival Queen and Baby Pageants and the associated cash draws for each category:
Festival Queen:
1st Place Dawn Marie McKenzie (225 books sold, 25% of sales, $1406.00)
2nd Place Asagewin Carriere (146 books, 20% of sales, $725.00) (Not pictured)
3rd Place Rayshell Charles (72 books, 15% of sales, $270.00) (Not pictured)
Draw Winners:
1st Moses Eninew $1000.00
2nd Mary Charles $750.00
3rd Alice Roberts $500.00
Baby Pageant:
1st Place Alison Denechezhe (184 books sold, 25% of sales, $1150.00)
2nd Place Lauren Roberts-Ratt (170 books sold, 20% of sales, $860.00)
3rd Place Willow Nilsson (141 books sold, 15% of sales, $529.00)
Draw Winners:
1st Destiny Adam $1000.00
2nd Barbara Charles $750.00
3rd Jennifer Beatty $500.00