Shared by Emma Smallwood

As always, there was some very tight competition with some people winning by less than a pound. There was also a two way tie for 3rd place in the teams competition!

For the fourth consecutive biggest loser challenge I would like to congratulate Curtis Franks for taking the cake once again in the individual competition.

2nd place goes to Zac Mckenzie!

3rd place goes to Nate Colbert!

In the team competition, we had some very close winners! and 3rd place being a tie!

1st was Curtis Franks and with his sone kendrick Spellicy

2nd goes to Eddie Sanderson and Alycia Sanderson

3rd Kim Plante & Daniel Plante along with Sean William Franks & Jason Cook!

Thank you so everyone who participated in this challenge! The next challenge is the wellness challenge happening May 8th which is COMPLETELY FREE TO JOIN!