Due to lack of numbers in certain groups, we’ve had to combine them into two groups to try balance out the numbers somewhat and where possible. Please also be advised of new times and dates as well for both groups, as this has changed too as there is no longer sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Lastly our COVID-19 protocols remain in effect. Inbox or text me for inquiries.

JRMCC Arena COVID-19 Guidelines effective August 21, 2020

This document is outlining how JRMCC Arena is implementing measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. The health and safety of staff and participants at JRMCC Arena remains our top priority. As such, JRMCC Arena is aligning with the provincial guidelines approved by the Saskatchewan Health Authority as well as national sporting body (Hockey Canada) protocols for facility operations. All users and renters must comply with the following protocol. User groups not complying with these protocols will have their privileges suspended without reimbursement.

General Guidelines:

  • All applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws must be adhered to, including all regulations from applicable Public Health Authorities.
  • Each Sport Organization must establish a Return to Play/Sport plan outlining how to minimize physical contact and the risk of COVID-19 transmission between participants. The Sport Governing Body Guidelines should align with the Provincial guidelines and JRMCC guidelines, as outlined in this document.
  • Each User Group/Renter is responsible to provide and inform all User Group participants, coaches, officials, volunteers and parents/guardians of participants of the Arena Guidelines and to ensure all parties affiliated with the User Group understand and follow all regulations and requirements for use of the Arena.
  • Facility employees will follow physical distancing and no gatherings/congregations
  • Patrons are encouraged to limit time inside the facility and always maintain physical distancing

Facility signage is to be followed by all people accessing the facility and following these preventative measures:

  • Wash your hands frequently using soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer if no access to sink and water
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and discard the tissue immediately. If no tissue, then use our elbow.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose at all times
  • Physical distance of 2 metres (6 feet)
  • If you are sick stay home or leave the facility if you become sick and inform your Group for tracking requirements

Maximum Gathering: Must not total more than the maximum gathering limit per the Public Health order per team at each game/activity and must ensure physical distancing between non-household members. Current mass Gathering is 30 people

Spectators: Maximum of 30 people to be assigned to section 4 in bleachers.

  • Discourage gatherings
  • Must maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres from other members of the public
  • Must not be permitted into participant, coach or official areas

No available water fountain or bottle fill station.

Participants, coaches, officials, volunteers and spectators should try to minimize cheering and whistling as much as possible to control the spread of COVID-19. Refrain from spitting.

User Group Competition and Game Play:

▪ All bookings can be done by call or text to 420-7529.
▪ Instruction is permitted with no contact and appropriate physical distancing. If physical distancing cannot be maintained or is unpredictable, a mask should be worn and supplied by the instructor, coaches or volunteers
▪ If physical distancing is possible, certain individual and group organized sports, physical activities and recreation activities may proceed as normal (programming, training, practice and competition)
▪ No tournaments and interprovincial competitions permitted
▪ If physical distancing is NOT possible, mini-leagues should be formed and can be comprised of multiple teams, but no more than 50 individuals (includes coaches/staff, instructors, participants from multiple trams, officials and volunteers who cannot maintain 2 metres of physical distancing from others at all times. Does not include spectators or others who can maintain the physical distancing)
▪ Participants/players on the same team grouping may be within 2 metres during play/drills.
▪ No single group on the ice surface shall exceed the gathering limits in the Public Health order. Teams need to be separated while on the sidelines and participants/players cannot exceed gathering limits during games, practices or training
▪ Mini-leagues must be comprised of participants within the same neighbourhood, community or local geographical region (ie. Within a rural municipality. Town, quadrant of a city or nearest community)
▪ Mini-leagues should remain together until restrictions are further relaxed Game play can resume between teams in a mini-league and must be limited to teams within the same mini-league
▪ Teams in different mini-leagues should not play each other
▪ At least 2 metres physical distancing should be maintained between all individuals, except members of the same household, when off the field of play (ie. on benches, during intermission). Areas of congregation, such as benches and bleachers, must be set up and used in a way that adheres to physical distancing requirements.
▪ Pylons or other markers should define the group space and be provided by the group
▪ Any shared equipment by the activity should be disinfected after use i.e. pucks
▪ Schedules should be staggered and the duration of the activity should be specified to promote physical distancing and allow for adequate cleaning and disinfection between uses
▪ Intentional contact must be minimized whenever possible
▪ Tournaments and inter-provincial travel are NOT permitted
▪ If a disabled participant is being transferred in and out of equipment or assisting caregivers with an activity for a disabled participant, the User Group assistant and participant should wear masks whenever 2 metres cannot be maintained

Participant Health and Illness:

▪ Absolutely NO spitting!

Participants, coaches, officials and volunteers: Who are sick or symptomatic or have been around anyone showing symptoms or had COVID-19 in the last 14 days must NOT enter the facility and participate. Symptoms may include one or more of the following: fever, cough, headaches, aches & pains, sore throat, chills, runny nose, loss of sense of taste or smell and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing – COVID-19 Symptoms. Use the Government of Saskatchewan’s Self-Assessment tool for COVID-19 and follow the subsequent directions.

  • Who have traveled internationally within the past 14 days, will comply with all restrictions such as self isolation or quarantine required upon arrival
  • If activities involve being with 2 metres of other participants should self-monitor
  • User Group to have a volunteer obtain every person upon arrival to sign in on arrival with name, phone number and email address to facilitate contact tracing and keep attendance records for a minimum of one month, in the event Saskatchewan Health needs to trace.

If a person becomes sick or injured and first aid or further care is required:

  1. Call emergency Services – 9-1-1. Try to limit the number of individuals in contact with the sick person
  2. Place a mask over the individual’s mouth and nose if they are not able to do so. Maintain a safe distance until the mask is in place. The User Group is to provide the mask
    ▪ First aid providers caring for people should follow standard precautions. Those who provide direct care requiring close or direct contact should wear a mask
    ▪ Following care, first aid providers should discard the mask and gloves following standard procedures and perform hand hygiene

Arrival to JRMCC Arena:

▪ All participants must come pre-dressed to the arena, minimum bottom half of equipment (excluding skates).
▪ Entrance will be through the south east doors (main Hall entrance). Participants are to go directly to assigned dressing room to put on skates and enter ice surface.
▪ Participants, coaches, officials, volunteers & parents/guardians should arrive no more than fifteen (15) minutes before any scheduled ice-time.

▪ Upon entrance all participants, coaches, officials, volunteers & parents/guardians are to sanitize hands and proceed to area for activity and avoid contacting surfaces as much as possible.
▪ The User Group must sign in all participants, staff, coaches/instructors and volunteers at arrival and obtain name, phone and email to facilitate contact tracing, if necessary and keep attendance records for a minimum of one month. Where possible, do not use a common pen or bring disinfectant to sanitize pen after every use. Provision of the information is voluntary, but it should be noted if a person did not provide the information but attended.

Departure from JRMCC Arena:

▪ The south east Exit Doors are for all participants, coaches, officials, volunteers & parents/guardians to exit the facility. Do not exit through the main Hall entrance doors.
▪ Participants, coaches, officials, volunteers & parents/guardians must leave the facility within fifteen (15) minutes after the completion of the scheduled ice-time

▪ Participants, coaches and officials should not congregate in dressing rooms, hallways, lobby, bleachers, parking areas or any public area before or after the scheduled ice-time
▪ Participants, coaches, officials, volunteers & parents/guardians are to exit using
▪ the south set of the main doors of the facility and to follow the facility signage
▪ and floor stickers
▪ Participants, coaches, officials, volunteers & parents/guardians are to sanitize hands and proceed out of the facility and avoid contacting surfaces as much as possible.

JRMCC Arena Facility Guidelines:

▪ All participants are to bring their own water bottle filled at home, hand sanitizer and personal items and never to share personal items.
▪ All personal items must be removed from the benches and dressing rooms after use.

Dressing Rooms:

▪ Dressing rooms are available only to put on skates. All on-ice participants are to come minimum bottom-half dressed and not leave items in dressing room. The Dressing Room Occupancy for physical distancing of 2 metres is as follows:

  • Dressing Room 1 – 10 people
  • Dressing Room 2 – 10 people
  • Dressing Room 3 – 10 people
  • Dressing Room 4 – 10 people
  • Referee Room – 3 people
    ▪ Players Benches and Penalty Box Area – max capacities for Social Distancing:
  • Home Players Bench – 3 people
  • Visitor Players Bench – 3 people
  • Home Penalty Box – 1 person
  • Visitor Penalty Box – 1 person
  • Scorekeeper Box – 1 person

Showering after the activity is NOT permitted.

All garbage must be placed in containers by participants, coaches and officials as it will be removed after each

Food and Beverage Services:

▪ The main concession will be closed
▪ No water fountains available
▪ Some vending machines will be operational in main lobby
▪ There will not be any seating available in the main lobby
▪ All garbage is to be placed in garbage containers after use

Arena Cleaning and Sanitizing:

▪ The Arena staff will be following the Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Guidelines
▪ Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected prior to a new group being provided access to space, including benches, bleachers, railings, gates, etc.
▪ Commonly touched surfaces such as vending machines, water fountain handles, doorknobs/handles, handrails, light switches, counter tops, etc. will be cleaned frequently during hours of operation and thoroughly every night.
▪ Ensure hand washing sinks are fully stocked with soap and paper towels
▪ Place alcohol-based hand sanitizer approved by Health Canada (DIN or NPN number) in dispensers or soap and water hand washing stations near doors, common use equipment, washrooms/locker rooms, team areas and other high-touch locations for patrons and staff.
▪ Patrons should bring their own hand sanitizer when possible
▪ Hand hygiene should be performed prior to play and contacting shared equipment, as well as through the duration of the activity (intermissions, breaks, etc.) and at end of activity

Thank you for adhering to these Guidelines

Enjoy yourself & play safe!

JRMCC Youth Fall Hockey League

As start dates for organized league play and tournaments get pushed back, we are starting to think of options to fill the competitive void for those interested, we will keep you posted!