Shared by Charlene Bosiak
Over 4 days Yasmina Ramzy (Toronto) will work with the dancers of Ishraq Dance Troupe and others who wish to join to create 2 very different ensemble choreographies. One choreography will be emotional and romantic while the other will be fun and sassy. Participants will learn to work with a range of emotionality and how to navigate within complex ensemble configurations that Yasmina is known for. Each dancer’s unique talents will be harnessed and highlighted while experiencing the joy of working in a team. Yasmina will demonstrate how the same choreography can be configured for a variety of troupe sizes.
Oct 12&13, 6-9:30pm
Oct 14&15, 11am-5:30pm
JRMCC Jonas Roberts Memorial Community Centre
Contact Charlene Bosiak for registration & pricing.