Renovations in the making, please be advised.

Shared by Colin Ratushniak

Hi Everyone!

We are excited that our renovations will be commencing tomorrow – MONDAY, April 19, 2021.Our contractor is giving us a 3-6 week window for the completion of the project. Some things to pass along to you to avoid any service interruptions to you during the expansion:

  • PLEASE use the MAIN DOOR entrance from 8:30am-8:00pm Monday-Friday, so that we can avoid any traffic with the contractors who will be doing demolition and moving equipment in and out of the back entrance.
  • When coming in from the MAIN DOOR’S and heading into the Arena, please go to the LEFT (to the left, to the left..). There is a new location for your outdoor shoes and also for the sign-in contact tracing sheet.
  • Use of the FULL 360 TRACK will be suspended until renovations are complete and it is also closed to the general public.
  • Please note that equipment has been moved to the Track so that there is still ample space and location for everyone to complete their workouts. ALL cardio equipment has been spaced out and all machines will now be able to be used.
  • With all the equipment now on the track please remember that the track is an extension of the Fitness Centre and no outdoor shoes should be worn past the Check In Table.
  • Like last summer there are two workout/stretching areas that I’ve created for your use. As well as a Brand New rolling mirror. A reminder that this mirrors is EXTREMELY fragile, so please DO NOT TOUCH IT and please allow some space from it.
  • Please avoid any dropping of barbells or dumbbells on the track floor. If you must do any olympic lifting that requires dropping of the barbell WITH BUMPER PLATES of course, please do so in the fitness centre on the rubber flooring.
  • The grass turf will remain rolled out on the track for the duration of the renovation for your use with the PUSH SLED.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out @ 204-441-1914.Thank you.