Hockey Gear swap & shop, Sunday August 30th, JRMCC Hall

JRMCC is where we host a wide variety of community sports and events
We’re excited to announce the Hockey Shop will open for the season starting 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm on Sunday, August 30, just in time for the Ice Wolves hockey school. We offer skate sharpening, sticks, some equipment and various hockey accessories. If we don’t have it, we can get from our supplier, Prince Albert Source for Sports, usually with next-day delivery!
Hey hockey fans, here’s what we have so far for the September JRMCC Arena schedule. Just some important notes you should be advised of:
**All events must follow Gov’t of Sask/Sask Health Authority guidelines**
**No Public Skating/Shinny until further notice**
**Minor hockey practices resume October 5**
**Parents may or may not be allowed in the facility pending numbers for each event. Registration numbers for the various hockey camps will determine this.**
**Start times may be altered slightly pending numbers**
**Update on adult rec/pickup hockey will be posted soon upon clarification as outlined in the Re-open plan for “Mini-Leagues”**
Hi Everyone!
The fob system is active and now ready for use!
The following information is necessary to move things forward to ‘unrestricted access’….
Fob access allows you into the gym from 8 am-9 pm, 7 days a week.
* If you are a shift worker and require access before 8 am or after 10 pm please email me to let me know what times you require and I will extend your fob access.
We still must adhere to the re-open Saskatchewan plan which requires us to complete extra cleaning for everyone’s health and safety.
This means the gym will be closed twice a day. From 2 pm-3 pm & 9 pm-10 pm. 7 days a week.
A booking link will be provided to active members.
Now that the back entrance is open, it in REQUIRED that members wash hands when they enter the facility, the same as you would if coming in from the MAIN entrance. HAND WASHING is one of the best defenses to spreading germs and keeping you and the facility healthy so that we can continue to be open.
A friendly reminder that bags are not allowed on the gym floor. Please store them in the seating area on the track or in the change rooms where you can securely lock them. We sell locks for $5 at the front desk or you may bring your own.
Just a reminder that if you park at the back of the facility, the gates are typically locked by security at 9 pm, so to avoid being locked in, please park in the general parking lot.
A reminder that the facility has 24/7 recorded security cameras in place for your safety and security. There is also on-site security from 9 pm-6 am.
Thank you all for being patient with us during the ’new normal’ times. We strive to make the facility the best it can be for our members and we understand how important it is to have a place for physical health.
Colin Ratushniak
JRMCC Mini-Golf is now OPEN 5 days a week 1:00 pm-5:00 pm. All social distancing rules and disinfecting requirements will be adhered to. Maximum 4 to a group. You can booking in advance (text the number on the poster) or simply walk-up. We accept cash and e-transfers. Limited canteen stock, only packaged items.
What does our new normal look like? Check it out:
JRMCC Fitness Center Guidelines
All fitness facilities operating in Saskatchewan must be in compliance with these guidelines. The information below provides specific information for operators of gyms and fitness facilities.
General Information
The JRMCC Fitness Center is included in Phase 3 of Re-Open Saskatchewan under the following condition:
Group fitness classes will eventually be offered and physical distancing will be maintained at all times, with no more than 10 people per class in a space that allows for increased ventilation and air circulation. To ensure people maintain appropriate separation, use tape, markers, paint and signage. When possible, offer these services online or in an outdoor space.
When group classes are offered, they should be scheduled to allow staff enough time to disinfect equipment and surfaces between classes. These may take place in the gymnasium or arena floor.
Minimize congestion in the facility by managing flow of users, including the entrance. Consider developing online sign-up systems, with set duration’s for workouts.
Staff will promote physical distancing whenever possible and discourage congregating. Users are encouraged to conduct their workouts and exit the facility without unnecessary delays.
Equipment should not be shared or used simultaneously (e.g. working in sets).
A hand washing stations will be available in the lobby washroom
Hand sanitizers will be available and users should be encouraged to use them upon entering and exiting. They will also be available throughout the facility.
Essential shared facilities, such as telephones, computers, washrooms and laundry rooms, should receive increased cleaning and disinfection.
Cleaning and Disinfection
The COVID-19 virus can survive for several days on different surfaces and objects. Frequent cleaning and disinfection is important to prevent spreading the disease.
Staff will implement enhanced environmental cleaning.
Commonly touched surfaces and shared equipment will be cleaned and disinfected after contact between individuals, even when not visibly soiled. This includes fitness equipment and machines, door handles, etc.
Disinfectants for users will be conveniently located. Users and employees should be required to wipe down the equipment before and after use. There will be no use of re-usable towels and cloths.
Ensure the disinfectant used in the facility is adequate for the elimination of viruses.
We will attempt to provide employees with resources such as tissues, no-touch trash receptacles, hand soap, alcohol-based hand sanitizers, disinfectants and disposable towels to promote a safe and hygienic work environment.
Provide adequate bins for the safe disposal of paper towels that have been used for cleaning and personal use. The bins should be lined with plastic bags, which are tied and disposed of regularly according to local refuse storage and collection requirements.