Men’s health month Movember

Colin Ratushniak shared a link to the group: Tri-Community-Talk.

Did you know

  • Tes­tic­u­lar can­cer is most com­mon­ly diag­nosed in males between 15 – 35 years of age, although it can still occur in old­er men.
  • The Movember foundation doesn’t just tackle testicular cancer, it also tackles mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer!
  • So this year, I’m growing a Mo! And so are some of my flying co-workers! My goal is to hit $500 and I hope you will join in on the mission to awareness.
  • So if you have balls, or know someone who has balls, call them up, text them, email them! Tell them it’s time to CHECK YOUR BALLS!

Colin Ratushniak’s Mo Space
Colin’s motivation: I’m raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives. I need your help. Please donate to support men’s health. Thank you.

More about Movember Canada

La Ronge Midget 89ers Thank The Source for Donation!

La Ronge Midget 89ers, proud members of the North East Minor Hockey League (NEMHL), would like to thank Sonny Montilla and The Source-La Ronge for the awesome donation of an IPad (7th Generation) valued at $500.00. The NEMHL is implementing a new electronic game sheet system for its league games which involves the use of a mandatory IPad. The Source is great local business giving back to the community!

JRMCC Arena schedule for the week of October 26-November 1

As always, we continue to monitor the local situation locally regarding Covid-19 and follow advice and direction from health officials. Currently, we will remain open though operations have slowed down somewhat. We will also continue to offer limited ice rentals but they will be subject to scrutiny and final approval.

There are several reasons why we continue to stay open. First, and most importantly, we don’t operate on fear, rumors’ or gossip. Rather, we operate on information and recommendations from health experts who we trust to give the best advice for all concerned. Second, its important that our doors stay open to ensure some degree of public confidence. Third, we feel it is important to address physical and mental health by allowing youth to continue engaging in their team practices. Fourth, we recognize hockey is one of the few sports currently with detailed government-approved return-to-play, social distancing and mask guidelines.

Last but not least, we’ve always preached our golden rule: No School, No Hockey. We appreciate if parents can follow along.